
How to Get Followers on Pinterest: 30 Proven Strategies for Success

Discover how to get followers on Pinterest with this expert guide.

Shannon Jade
11 minutes read

Pinterest marketing is a gold mine for opportunity when it comes to building your brand!

The app offers access to an incredible 482 million active users. From a marketing point of view, Pinterest is powerful. In fact, as many as 83% of users say that they often make purchases based on the content they find on the platform.

The good news is that attracting new Pinterest followers can be easy! Even simple changes to your content strategy can open new doors and provide extra scope for reach and engagement growth. Amazing, right?

If you’ve ever wondered how to get followers on Pinterest, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 30 tried and tested Pinterest strategies to get you on the right track.



Why is Follower Growth Important on Pinterest?

When you put in the work to boost your Pinterest follower count, you can expand your community outreach and establish a loyal consumer base.

A whopping 90% of Pinterest users come to the app with a single goal in mind: to seek inspiration for their next purchase. This makes Pinterest a leading social media platform in terms of driving real, measurable sales conversions. If you run a small business, these consumer patterns could hold the key to getting your products the attention and traction they deserve.

More followers on Pinterest could translate to more buyers for the books. How? When more Pinterest followers see your content, more people will have the chance to engage and drive an additional account-growing algorithm boost.

Plus, Pinterest is designed to get users onto your owned channels (like your website, blog or online store) with clickable links able to be added to every Pin you publish. With a higher follower count, you can ensure these engaged users are continuing to see your content on Pinterest to get them one step closer to making a sale.

👀 Keep Reading: Discover why Pinterest should be part of your company’s marketing strategy.

30 Strategies On How To Get Followers On Pinterest

It’s time to kickstart the ultimate Pinterest strategy! Try these 30 simple yet effective ideas to transform your account and grow FAST.

Part 1: Setting Up for Success

The first step is to ensure that your Pinterest account is set up in the right way, in support of your goals. Here’s how.

The Plann Pinterest Account

The Plann Pinterest Account

“Plann – Visual Designer and Schedule for Social Media” account name appears below the Plann logo. Below, the Plann website line appears beside the bio copy: “Social Media Scheduling Tool and Visual Grid Planner. Used Globally by Businesses and Bloggers. Grow Your Brand with Advanced Instagram Analytics.”

Choose a Memorable Username

Your username makes an impact, so think carefully about what you choose. Ideally, your username should be short and memorable. Try to incorporate a recognizable company name or key terms relevant to your niche. This will make your account easier for would-be followers to find!

Write an Engaging Bio

An engaging bio is a critical part of your Pinterest profile. Keep your bio short and sweet, and make sure you craft compelling copy that highlights the heart of your offer, such as your industry, your products or services and who are your ideal customers. Your bio is a chance to capture audience interest and tell people why they should follow your account.

Verify Your Website on Pinterest

With a business Pinterest account, you can add a website link and verify it! Follow the set-up steps to make sure your website takes center-stage. This will make it easier for followers to learn more about your brand and shop your products whenever they fancy.

Select the Right Profile Picture

When users find your Pinterest profile, your profile picture is the first thing they’ll see! Choose a profile picture that includes your logo or identifiable brand colors. These elements can enhance professionalism and improve brand awareness going forward. Win-win!

Part 2: Content Creation

Once your account is up and running, you’re ready to dive into the content creation process. Keep these things in mind.

Plann Pinterest Boards

Plann Pinterest Boards

A range of Plann Pinterest boards appear using branded colors and logos. In order, the boards are labeled: “All Pins;” “Social Media Strategy;” “Memes;” “Social Media Templates;” “Plann;” “Social Media News;” “Plann Resources;” “Meme;” “Instagram Tips;” and “Digital Marketing Tips.”

Share High-Quality Images

High-quality images and videos remain the heart of all things Pinterest. Share rich pins that link directly to your sales channels and highlight the best of your brand. Well-crafted images in high resolution set the tone for the overall quality your business prides itself on.

💡 Plann Tip: For standard image Pins, use the 2:3 aspect ratio (1000 x 1500 pixels) to ensure your content displays correctly on the platform.

Design Informative Infographics

Many Pinterest users are looking for value. If you have information to share, consider creating a clear, comprehensive infographic. Well-designed info sheets provide an overview of your offer and showcase your expertise, helping to build trust in your brand.

Create Step-by-Step Tutorials

Step-by-step tutorials offer great scope for drawing in new followers on Pinterest. When producing Pinterest content, think about what you can teach your community. Create easy-to-follow DIY guides that provide your audience with unmistakable value.

Share Behind-the-Scenes Content

Often, the best social media posts are those that take users behind the scenes. Use well-crafted idea pins to show your audience who you are and what your brand stands for. This kind of content is great for building connections and fostering a sense of community.

Utilize Carousel Pins

Worried that a single image isn’t enough? Don’t panic! Use carousel pins to combine a series of images all in one place. When you create these posts with a strategy in mind, you can advertise key product details and take your followers on a journey. Aim for 2 to 5 slides for the best results with Pinterest carousels.

👀 Keep Reading: Learn everything you should include in your Pinterest marketing strategy.

Part 3: Engagement and Community Building

Marketing is all about community! Here’s how you can optimize engagement for Pinterest growth.

Engagement on Pinterest

Engagement and Community Building

A Pinterest post appears with the title “Best times to post on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn!” Post copy reads: “𝗗𝗢𝗡’𝗧 post during your audience’s peak online time! Do this instead … Post 15 minutes earlier! ☝️ This makes it easier to get ahead of your competitor’s posts and onto your…” At the bottom of the screen, a comment is being typed to read: “So helpful! Thank you!”

Engage with Other Users

Your strategy goes far beyond your own original content. You also need to consider how you interact with other users. Even when you have nothing to share, stay engaged within your niche. Like and comment on posts you enjoy, and repin relevant items that your followers might enjoy.

Participate in Group Boards

Participating in relevant group boards can make a big difference to your reach. Work alongside other users in your industry, and add group board pins that put your content in front of all new users. This is a great way to improve visibility and drive meaningful account growth.

Host Collaborative Boards

Similarly, hosting collaborative Pinterest boards can help you build your audience! Network with other users in your niche, and work together to craft effective content. Collaborating with others can give you access to their followers, as well as your own.

Join Pinterest Challenges

Have you recently spotted an interesting Pinterest challenge? Joining fun challenges and trends can be helpful when you’re running low on content ideas. Plus, these challenges can provide you with new reach opportunities, helping you find unique users.

Share User-Generated Content (UGC)

Why do all the work yourself? Get your audience involved, and encourage your customers to share their own content featuring your brand. User-generated content reduces the burden of content creation, all while showing your followers how much you value their contributions.

Part 4: SEO and Visibility

It doesn’t matter how great your Pins are unless they’re also easy to find. Follow these steps to improve your account’s visibility.

SEO for Pinterest

SEO and Visibility

A Pinterest post appears using the title “Your Jan 2024 Social Calendar – Prompts and Templates.” The copy incudes a long list of social media hashtags.

Use Relevant Keywords

SEO keywords are searchable phrases related to your business, niche or industry. Craft board titles, pin descriptions, and other written elements with these industry-specific keywords in mind. By optimizing your Pinterest profile and content for SEO, you’ll be able to boost your chances of reaching relevant audiences at scale.

Incorporate Trending Hashtags

Likewise, using relevant hashtags can help you boost your content’s visibility. Capitalize on current interests and Pinterest trends by using the hashtags your ideal followers are searching for. This will help the app categorize your content and show it to the right people.

Optimize Your Pin Descriptions

Your pin description is your chance to tell users what’s next! Use clear, concise language that captures audience attention and uses keywords wisely. Don’t forget to include a call to action that will encourage click-throughs and engagement.

Organize Your Boards Strategically

Organizing your boards well can be powerful. Sort your boards into clear and distinct categories. Use descriptive, easy-to-understand titles that tell users what to expect. These strategic elements are the key to simplifying the journey people take to find your content.

Utilize Pinterest’s Guided Search Feature

Pinterest’s search bar isn’t the only way to find fresh content! The guided search feature allows you to put your content in comprehensive guides that are specific to your niche. Add your content where it matters, and benefit from a range of additional reach opportunities.

Part 5: Promotion and Growth

Promoting your Pinterest is the next step to incredible growth! Try these strategies.

Pinterest Advertising

Pinterest Advertising

A blank Pinterest ad appears with space to upload image, title, description, link, and alt text.

Cross-Promote on Socials

Pinterest marketing is never limited to Pinterest alone. Cross-promote your content on other social media platforms and use these avenues to drive extra Pinterest traffic. This is a great way to combine your efforts for a truly comprehensive approach.

💡 Plann Tip: Repurpose your Pinterest content with each by using Plann’s handy cross-post feature, designed to save you valuable time.

Collaborate with Influencers

Working with others means accessing new audiences and opportunities. Whenever you can, explore pathways for collaboration with influencers or industry leaders, this can help you build a valuable network while also reaching out to more followers.

Run Pinterest Ads

Promoted pins are designed to help you boost your reach quickly! Even a low budget can be powerful, so don’t be afraid to set up Pinterest ads and target your audience directly. A well-placed advertisement can attract followers who will stay with your brand for the long haul.

Offer Exclusive Promotions

Why not offer would-be followers a reason to connect with your brand? Try running a Pinterest campaign where you offer an exclusive promotion or discount. This can be a chance to highlight your value and give back to your community, establishing ongoing trust and brand loyalty.

Promote Through Other Channels

Just as cross-promoting on social media can be helpful, other platforms can support your goals! Share your pins and boards on relevant websites, or add Pinterest links to your latest blog posts. You can even update your email subscribers with your latest pins.

👀 Keep Reading: Find out how you can use Pinterest to boost your website sales.

Part 6: Advanced Strategies

Finally, there are a few more advanced strategies you can use to take your Pinterest to the next level. Here they are!

Pinterest for Business

Pinterest for Business

The Pinterest Business Hub banner appears, including account name and username, as well as followers, monthly views, and merchant status.

Analyze Your Analytics

With a Pinterest business account, you have access to detailed performance metrics. Use them! Regularly track and analyze your Pinterest analytics. Optimize your strategy based on the patterns you find. This could be the key to gaining more followers!

Experiment with Pin Formats

There are so many different Pinterest formats available for you to choose from, so never get stuck in a rut. Whether you’re creating idea pins or rich pins, image pins or video pins, you have the power to keep your content fresh. This is the secret to never getting boring, predictable or stagnant.

Use Pinterest’s Audience Insights

Get to know your Pinterest audience, and learn what your followers are looking for. The more you know about your audience demographic, the more effectively you can tailor your content. This allows you to create content with consumers in mind.

Collaborate with Other Brands

Do you have a chance to work with another brand in your niche? Join forces with other trusted businesses to run promotions, giveaways, and events. These collaborations provide mutually beneficial scope for attracting new followers. Plus, you can benefit from a credibility boost!

Implement a Schedule

If you want to keep your audience’s trust, you need to post regularly, using a consistent schedule. Schedule pins ahead of time, and share content during peak periods. Design your Pinterest calendar based on audience behavior patterns.

Monitor and Adapt Your Strategy

Last but certainly not least, you need to be open to change. Pinterest is always evolving, so stay aware of the latest news, and be ready to try new features. Over time, you can adapt your strategy to ensure it continues to drive account growth.

Plann for Pinterest Success

Still wondering how to get followers on Pinterest or win over the Pinterest algorithm with truly amazing content? Say no more. With Pinterest scheduling by Plann, we make it easy to show up consistently and grow your follower count.

Check out our expert advice on all things Pinterest! Once you’re ready to get started, schedule your first content batch with a FREE 7-day trial of Plann‘s all-in-one social media suite.



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