
How To Improve Your Instagram Story Views

Boost your Instagram Stories’ visibility with these five proven tactics.

Shannon Jade
10 minutes read

Did you know that more than 500 million users view Instagram stories every single day? For these story viewers, your content can be a powerful tool in building your brand!

Often, boosting story views can be a challenge. How do you draw focus to your account and get people interested in the content you share? This may feel especially daunting when you consider that Instagram story viewers only have 24 hours to check out your content before it disappears.

Don’t panic. At Plann, we’ve tried all the tips, tricks, and social media hacks. We know what it takes to get more Insta story viewers and even improve story-derived conversions, regardless of your industry or niche.

Ready to get started? Here are our top 5 methods to drive boost Instagram story views. Time to better traffic and engagement results than ever before!

5 Ways You Can Boost Your Instagram Story Views

1. Stick to a Story Schedule

No matter which social media platform you’re focusing on, a consistent posting schedule can work wonders for brand recognition and reputation. Instagram stories are no exception! A good social calendar is your greatest investment.

Image features text that reads "WITH ADAM MOSSERI @MOSSERI" alongside a side-profile photo of a Adam with a colorful light reflection on his face.According to the Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri, most businesses see the best results when they share a minimum of two stories per day. However, this doesn’t have to be prescriptive. You don’t want to overload your audience, after all.

The right schedule for your Instagram stories is likely to vary based on who you are as a brand and the audience you’re targeting. Plus, you need to be realistic about your resourcing and how much time you can dedicate to showing up on Instagram Stories each week.

By creating and sticking to a clear Instagram story schedule, you can curate a sense of predictability so that people know what to expect from your brand’s social media page.

If you can’t commit to daily Instagram posting, try sharing regular story content three or four times a week, at least while you’re getting started. This will keep you top of mind for consumers without placing too much extra burden on your or your content creation team.

2. Keep Your Stories Content Dynamic and Diverse

There are so many things you can share as part of an Instagram story! This diversity, coupled with the scope for both curated and informal stories, is what makes the medium so popular.

Give your Instagram story viewers a glimpse behind the scenes of your content creation process or the day-to-day of your business. Answer questions, host giveaways, and share your products and sale events. These components can act as incentives, introducing your story viewer list to the latest deal first.

The beauty of stories is that they don’t have to be complicated. Even recording a quick clip chatting to the camera can help you humanize your brand and keep people interested in your Instagram profile. A mix of fun and serious story posts will provide opportunities for you to capture the attention of all kinds of users.

Remember, Instagram stories are, in many ways, more flexible than in-feed posts and Reels. A diverse suite of content styles can help maintain the element of surprise and broaden your content’s appeal. This can also be a chance to experiment with what works best for your brand’s unique needs.

Curious about how to boost your engagement on Stories? Use Plann to develop a Stories content strategy that draws on three to five unique content pillars. Test and experiment with the delivery of your Stories, from text-only to piece-to-camera videos, to see what format is the most effective for your brand.

3. Make the Most of Engagement Tools

Instagram stories provide many opportunities for enhancing engagement, which can play a critical role in driving attention to your brand and boosting overall social media success.

A woman gestures upwards toward a floating Instagram icon and a smartphone screenshot with text reading "How to Schedule + Post Instagram Stories." The caption encourages viewers to watch the tutorial now and boost their Instagram story views.

When crafting Instagram stories, don’t be afraid to try out various engagement tools and interactive stickers. Add a poll, a slider, or a question sticker. Engage your followers with a quiz, or post a link to your website. If you have an Instagram business account, you may even be able to make your stories shoppable!

Better yet, some Instagram story stickers can help you capture important information about your audience! You can host polls and Q&A sessions that allow you to respond to customer concerns or clarify your consumer persona.

Wondering how to encourage Instagram followers and users to interact with your content? Use your Instagram story to start a conversation you know people will want to join! Use the comments and messages you receive as a basis for ongoing community building.

🔥 Hot tip: Add at least one clickable, interactive sticker to every Stories series you create. By giving your audience easy ways to engage with your content, you’ll send all the right signals to the Instagram algorithm that your content is engaging and worth prioritizing in the Stories feed.

4. Prioritize Raw, Candid and Authentic Stories Content

The beauty of Instagram Stories is this: you don’t have to worry about curating a sleek, polished aesthetic. In fact, Stories is where you can pull back the curtain on your business and show a more raw, candid side of your company.

Treat your Instagram story viewers like friends, and look for ways to build meaningful relationships. Communicate honestly and authentically with the viewer, and don’t be afraid to occasionally post stories that show how you fix things that go wrong.

In practical terms, this could look like:

  • Showing the ‘unglamorous’ side of running your business (e.g. giving your audience access to the inner workings of your team packing orders)
  • Building in public and explaining how you troubleshoot the problems you’re facing as a business owner
  • Filming ‘storytime’ style content that explores a challenge you’ve had to overcome in business

In many ways, stories are like video calls or messages. Make them count by highlighting your personality and offering your community the right to reply via DMs or comments. Allow your story viewers to feel like they’re valued as part of your brand community by getting to know you on a deeper level.

5. Check Your Instagram Story Insights

Instagram story views are a valuable insight. Like the metrics available for other social media posts, these can help you identify trends and respond accordingly to the patterns you recognize. You can check who viewed your story and map how each Insta stories viewer behaves.

A visual representation of Instagram engagement rate trends in a graph.

Keep an eye on who your regular Instagram story viewers are, and pay attention to the names that show up again and again. Do you notice a consistent top viewer? This could be your brand’s biggest fan! If the same person is engaging with all your stories, you might be able to explore an ambassadorship marketing opportunity or another form of collaboration.

Monitoring your story insights can also provide helpful information regarding your overall social media performance. In the professional dashboard of your Instagram account, you’ll be able to see which people have found you via stories and which story posts made the biggest impact. This information can be your guide when you’re to start posting fresh materials.

What about story retention rates? Your Instagram metrics can provide insight into which stories your user base likes best. You can easily explore how people interact with your stories, including when they progress to the next frame and when they click away.

How To Improve Your Instagram Stories Organic Reach

We’ve covered some solid tactics to skyrocket your Instagram story views. Now, let’s talk about reaching a whole new crowd. Imagine tapping into a bunch of people who’ve never even seen your stories before? Yeah, it’s like discovering a hidden treasure chest of potential viewers. The key to unlocking this goldmine? Boosting your organic reach. Let’s break down how to make that happen.

Harness location stickers

We’re sure you’ve browsed through your follower’s Stories and seen the location sticker used a bunch of times. That’s because location stickers are a great way to boost the organic reach and visibility of your content and brand. 

There are so many ways you can harness location stickers, from giving your audience a behind-the-scenes look at where you’re going, what you’re doing, and even where you’re eating. 

Not only will it satisfy people’s curiosity about the location of your next team dinner, but using the location sticker to tag a specific location will help the people searching for the same place see your content. 

That means they might head to your profile or you may even get a repost if you’re tagging a specific store or restaurant, which ultimately gets even more eyes onto your content – without paying a cent on paid advertising either!

 A table with a striped tablecloth and a vase of oranges, tagged using the Location Instagram Sticker at 'bondi beach'.

Leverage hashtag stickers 

We all know how important hashtags are on social media. Hashtags help to boost the reach of your content across every major social media platform. But did you know that are just as important on Instagram Stories too?  

Adding relevant hashtags by using the hashtag sticker will boost the discoverability of your Stories content. When other users search for or click on a specific hashtag, your Stories will appear in the results. 

Remember that while you can include a bunch of hashtag stickers, it’s a general rule of thumb to use a few targeted and meaningful hashtags rather than overcrowding your Story slides with too many hashtags. 

Our tips? Include a mix of popular hashtags related to your niche and some more broader, generic hashtags for the best results. 

Bonus tip! Make sure to place your hashtags strategically in the corner or in less important parts of your Stories so they’re not distracting from the main content but still helping you boost your reach.

Hashtag Instagram sticker being used on an Instagram Story of a tutorial

Engage your audience with interactive stickers 

One of the best parts of Instagram Stories is the ability to harness interactive stickers which help you create more engaging content that requires audience participation. 

You can utilize a bunch of different interactive stickers, including polls, quizzes, and question stickers, to boost your reach and engagement. 

By encouraging your audience to participate and respond to your polls and quizzes, you can increase the visibility of your Stories. It also means you can use these interactive features to gather feedback, gauge customer opinions, and spark conversations. 

Not only does this boost the reach and engagement of your Stories but helps your brand and business get to know your audience even better. 

Just make sure to respond to answers and share the results in future Stories to create a sense of community and encourage further engagement.

Interactive question Instagram sticker being used on instagram stories

Shoutout your customers and reshare user-generated content (UGC)

Spotlighting your customers and regularly resharing UGC is a sure way to boost the organic reach and engagement of your Instagram Stories

By recognizing and showcasing your customer’s content, you can foster a sense of community, encourage brand loyalty and ultimately improve your organic reach. This means people will regularly keep an eye on your Stories to see if they’ve made an appearance. 

Why not make an Instagram Stories content series with a branded hashtag that encourages your audience to showcase how they interact with your brand and products? 

You can easily reshare this content either by reposting their posts on your Story, sharing their testimonials, or simply acknowledging their support. This will make your community feel valued and also encourages them to engage with your content and share it with their own followers. 

Resharing UGC in your Stories has a similar effect and not only showcases real-life experiences with your brand but also serves as social proof, showcasing the value and satisfaction people have had with your product or service offerings. 

Just remember to tag each creator or customer when you’re resharing their content or shouting them out to not only give them credit but ensure they’re notified when you post so they can reshare your Stories too.

Instagram Story of a testimonial being shared about a Gloss Balm product, Shouting out their customer and resharing user-generated content (UGC)

Skyrocket your Instagram Stories success with Plann

Looking for an all-in-one content creation suite that simplifies managing your social media channels? Inside Plann, you’ll discover everything you need to effortlessly map out your strategy, repurpose your content, and take your social content to new heights.

Ready to go from idea to scheduled posts in minutes? Join the 3 million global brands (and counting) that are finding success on social media with Plann.

Go on, and redeem your 7-day free trial of Plann Plus. If you don’t like it, keep using Plann for free!


Get Discovered With Stories
Get Discovered with Instagram Stories

Learn how to boost your following and build a more authentic connection with your audience using Instagram Stories!


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