
Ready-To-Use Instagram Hashtags

Ready To Use Instagram Hashtags Feature Image

Ready-To-Use Instagram Hashtags

Researched by professional marketers, you’ll find hashtags for over 300+ content ideas so you never have to spend hours doing your own hashtag research again.

Excited is an understatement!

Forget switching between Instagram and Plann, stalking your competitors’ and peers’ posts, or paying for subscriptions to hashtag apps that don’t help – we’ve got you!

You’ll find everything you need to speed up your hashtag game, ensuring it’s even easier for you to post more often without having to worry if you’ve got the right tags, all within Plann.


Choose from 300+ Hashtag Sets and Thousands of Individual Hashtags

New to Plann, you’ll find thousands of pre-researched hashtags curated by marketing professionals for you to quickly attach to your posts (or stories!) in just a few clicks, not hours.

Finally, the pain of researching and pulling together your own hashtag sets for every single Instagram post (or story) is over!

Hashtag research can be daunting, especially when you’re busy running your own business and don’t have time to learn yet ANOTHER social media tool. Ugh.


How to Use Plann’s Suggested Hashtags:

You’ll find Plann’s new suggested hashtags in TWO sections of Plann, firstly in your hashtag manager where you can view, save and search through hashtags.

PLUS, you’ll also find Plann’s suggested hashtags while you’re creating a post so you can stay in your flow without being interrupted to find hashtags (and distracted looking at someone’s hilarious new Reel and forget what you were doing, we see you!)

Visit your Hashtag Manager and you’ll be able to:

– Search through 300+ suggested hashtag sets
– Review and select individual hashtag topics OR choose the entire sets to save as your own!
– Mix’n Match topics and ideas that are the most relevant to you to create your OWN unique sets
– Sync’d to your Plann App in real-time, you’ll always have your hashtag toolkit on you

Create your next Instagram post and you’ll be able to:

– Tap on the hashtag icon to reveal your existing sets, OR, discover Plann’s suggested sets
– Search through thousands of hashtags saved under relevant headings for easy-to-find tags
– Add individual hashtags, OR, import an entire set to your post (or first caption!)
– Spotted a good looking hashtag set for another post? Choose to save it to your own set.

We’re thrilled to be your hashtag secret weapon.


How Many Hashtags Should I Use On Instagram?

You put a lot of thought into your content, and at Plann we don’t recommend any of your posts should be thrown up on Instagram without the opportunity of being discovered.

Because 30 is the limit of hashtags you can add to a post, we recommend going all out and adding all 30 to ensure you’re post has the highest likelihood of being discovered!

Hashtags create great visibility for your post, and ensure your content is discoverable, whether you’re joining in on trending conversations or aiming to reach niche audiences, hashtags are your sure-fire way to maximise every opportunity to get your content seen.

That’s why we’ve made sure you’ve got every option possible to find 30 hashtags using our suggested tags.


Should I Put My Instagram Hashtags In The Caption or First Comment?

This is entirely up to you and is a personal preference – your post isn’t affected either way!
As long as your post is going out with hashtags, you’re discoverable!

We know some people like to keep everything together in the caption as they feel it adds to the overall conversation, and others like to keep their Instagram caption clean by adding all 30 into the first comment.

OR, some like to add a couple into the caption, usually branded or sometimes even hilarious hashtags that have been made up to get a laugh from their community – keeping the more serious hashtags in the first comment.

It’s completely up to you!


Where Can I Find Hashtag Suggestions in Plann App?

As you’re writing your next post, you’ll find all new suggested hashtags built into your Plann App too. You’ll now have targeted, researched and ready-to-go hashtags while you’re on the go!

How Do I Choose Hashtags?

Plann’s Suggested Hashtag tool has taken the guesswork out of finding the most effective hashtags, now it’s simply a matter of choosing the best hashtags based on the content of your post and similar hashtags in your industry.

Choose hashtags that identify the topic of your post, that describe your target audience and even describe where you do business.

Remember that the aim of hashtags is to increase your discoverability, so think about what your audience may be looking for and tell them what your content is about.

Hashtags aren’t necessarily used to label exactly what is in your post, but rather to get yourself in front of what your target audience might be searching for on Instagram.


Watch Customer Education Manager, Ashley, walk through how to find + use Done-For-You Hashtags with Plann, quickly:


Available now for ALL Plann members!

Launching first on our Plann Desktop and Plann iOS Apps, Plann’s new suggested hashtag tool is COMPLETELY FREE!

Save, search and dig through an absolute treasure trove of hashtags!

We’d love to see you with the confidence to post more often knowing you’ve got the tools right here at Plann to help you get ahead. Tell your friends, team and those bogged down in the nitty-gritty of social media we’re here to help them too!

Together, we’ve got this!


Gift Plann to Your Friends, Family or Followers <3

Gift your friends, family, or followers $10 off Plann with your unique referral link.

By using your unique link, you’ll gift them a month of Plann free, PLUS, you’ll get $10 Plann credit just for sharing a favorite tool.

Find your unique link in your Plann settings to gift sunshine in someone’s day 🙂

How to find your unique referral link:

Plann Referral Credit

We genuinely love hearing from you and all of your ideas for Plann.
Reach out to the product team directly at feedback@plannthat.com

Christy Laurence
Plann Founder

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