We’d love to have you as a guest author on Plann, but we’re really picky about what type of content we accept, so have a flick through to see if you tick all the boxes.


We don’t do promotional pieces


All of our content is designed with our audience in mind and that means we only publish content that we think will be useful to them. That means any attempt to link ‘clumsily’ to your website or give needles promotion to products will be met with rejection.


We like good writing


You don’t have to have a PhD in English Literature to publish on our blog, but you do need to be able to write engaging, useful content. Obviously, we check all our content for copyright infringement and if you copy and paste anything, we won’t accept any further submissions from you.


We like data


We like publishing light, fun pieces but what we really loooove is data-backed content that proves the hypothesis of the piece. Include screenshots of analytics, link to relevant sources and prove your point!


You need to have done this before


This isn’t the blog you start guest posting on. As part of your submission, you’ll need to send through at least three published blogs on sites you don’t own.


You need to have a reputation


Or at least evidence that you’re building one. When completing your bio, make sure that you include what you’ve accomplished in your (relevant) career, any awards and of course personal achievements.


We DO promote you


You’ll get an author bio on your content piece and we’re more than happy to link to your site as a thank you for your awesome content. That link is worth something too – check out our DA on Moz! We’ll also share your blog on our socials and cite you as the author.


We’re the editors


If you complete a submission to post on the Plann blog, you hand over all the rights to your work, including the right to edit. We can change anything, including the wording, phrasing and anything else. Of course, we’ll include your bio and a link to your site. Why do we do this? Negotiating with writers is just too time-consuming and we hope that any changes we make will add value.


Still keen? Amazing! Click here to submit your piece!